Archives for posts with tag: Ryan Raw

Here are some numbers that should get you thinking:
45% of people make New Year’s Resolutions
66% of those resolutions involve health and fitness
73% give up before reaching their goal

With half of 2014 in the books, here are solutions to help you get back on the wagon!

Time a factor for you?

Burn fat and build muscle in just 1 hour hour per week, no cardio machines or running required!

If you made yourself a promise to lose weight, tone up and get more confident in 2014,
The 6 Week Shape Up will help you make good on it. Shed fat, get fitter and feel like a star!


Spending half the year getting in shape and the other half slacking off is no way to be at the top of your game.

When you train with Ryan Raw you receive new video workouts every week to keep you strong all year round!


If your attention span isn’t the greatest you’ll love that each Ryan Raw kettlebell workout is 30 minutes or less and burn up to 600 calories in a single session!


Most resolutions fail because they’re only skin deep; ‘I want to lose 5 lbs’ or ‘I want to get a six pack’.

Ryan Raw will help you go deeper to change negative behaviors and develop a mindset that will set you up for ongoing success!


Choose Your Program:

Zero Equipment Cardio: No equipment and 4 off days every week. Take your life back!
Beach Ready in 6 Weeks : Get confident enough to wear what you want to wear
30 Day Kettlebell Muscle & AB Program: Core, legs, chest, arms and back. Work ’em all at once!

It’s your turn to have Ryan Shanahan as your Personal Trainer and get results like his clients pictured below!

Click Here To See All The Available Programs


Wow, it’s July 1st tomorrow already!

Because of you, I’m going into July feeling Great! How about you?

Because of you, I strive each week to create new workouts that will keep progressing your fitness and health forward. Also to improve your Ryan Raw monthly membership content.

Upcoming for July, is the new Ryan Raw Garage Workout Series which focuses on Target Sculpting individual body parts. New Workout Warm Ups have been added to your video library and weekly nutrition and lifestyle V-Logs to see up close and personal how myself and my wife Tanya battle the bulge 🙂

See The New Ryan Raw Garage Workout Series: Click Here

Recommended July Routine Schedule:

Mon: ARM & AB Target Sculpt
Wed: Hip Hop Kettlebell Blast
Fri: Sexy Leg Target Sculpt

Special Shout Out to Ryan Raw members Tony, Devita, Tessa, Alexandra, Paola, for earning Ryan Raw MVP status because of their extra effort and resu lts during the 6 Week Summer Shape Up program.

Keep your positive momentum rolling forward. You have learned how to do it, proven to yourself that you can do it. Next phase is to keep doing it. And I will be here to support you all the way.

Best of Health from Your Trainer,

Ryan Shanahan
Click Here To Get Raw

Ever wonder what to eat before you workout or after you workout?

Ryan Shanahan answers and explains both in this video => Click Here


Ryan Shanahan Crossfit workout
Need some Monday Workout Motivation?

Then watch this workout video @

And then start your new fitness program @ Ryan Raw


Did you know ‘Kettlebell’ is now the 6th most searched workout term on Google?!

Do you know who was The Key Figure in introducing Kettlebell Workouts to the world?

Hint: In 2005, he started the first Kettlebell only gym at The Toronto Film Studios, to train movie stars.

Between 2007 and 2011 he did over 100 tv appearances to inform and share the incredible fitness benefits of kettlebell training.

His Kettlebell DVDs out sold Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper’s combined!

His Kettlebell training system is now being instructed at gyms all across America, Australia and even Denmark!

The answer is @

His Next Generation kettlebell workout are exclusively available @

When you want real results, go to the Best.

Share this post and be apart of history for the new Ryan Raw Online & On Demand workout video movement.

Thank You and God Bless




It’s one of those ‘facts’ that everyone knows, right? You can’t spot reduce fat. It doesn’t matter how much topical cream you lather yourself in or how many millions of ab crunches you do, you can’t shift fat specifically off, say, your belly, right?


You see, my new 6 Week Summer Shape Up program’ which is specifically for people who want to get absolutely commit to getting in their best physical and mental state and fast.
I’m also going through the program once again myself, just to double check I’m not leaving anything on the table that will help you get serious head turning results.

Now, one of the areas I’ve always struggled with is the bit of love handle fat. It just doesn’t want to budge, can you relate?
So I decided that I’d use this final run through as an experiment to see if I could spot reduce that fat. And I am thrilled to tell you, it’s actually working!

So what does it involve?

Well, first of all a little background. If you think about your fattest areas, you’ll probably notice that they are colder to the touch than the leaner parts of your body. For girls this means that their thighs and bum tend to be cold, and for guys it’s often their belly.

Science tells us that good circulation is key to fat loss, and poor blood flow to certain areas equals stubborn fat storage.

So what can we do about it?

Well, spot reduction of fat has generally been regarded as an old wives’ tale, and it is true that we burn fat over our whole body and not just in one area (that’s down to the fact that muscle tissue is the body’s metabolic furnace, and you have muscle all over your body. Hence why I keep talking about doing multiple-muscle-recruiting exercises).

However, a quick look back at the protocols of some of the biggest names in bodybuilding suggest that maybe you can do something to address specific areas. People like Arnie and other legendary bodybuilders would do and recommend specific targeted ab exercises in order to develop flat, hard, fat-free abs, and recent research suggests that they were actually onto something..

There are 3 things you can do to increase fat burning in a specific area, and from my own little experiment, there is definitely something in it:

1) Firstly, perform exercises that work the muscles adjacent to the target area. During your Monday Core workout video, I’ve designed the workouts not just to do ab and lateral flexion work, but balance it with appropriate stability and back work such as planks, back extensions, 1leg movements etc.
What this does is increase muscular activity near the target site, which in turn increases the breakdown of that fat.

2) Second, increase the temperature of the fatty area whilst you exercise. (I’ve been using a sauna belt to keep my tummy warm :). What this does is increase sweating in the localised area and also increases blood circulation which is crucial for fat extraction from the adipose cells.

3) Finally, aim to perform your Ryan Raw Workout videos first thing in the morning, in a fasted state (ie before breakfast); this is beneficial because it results in fat-busting hormones such as Growth Hormone and adrenaline being delivered to the area, rather than fat protecting insulin following a meal.

It’s important to perform the Core, Cardio and Sculpt videos to benefit from the designed synergistic effect when also combined your included clean diet protocol.

So, if you’re looking to sort out one or two trouble spots, it’s definitely worth a go.

The 6 Week Summer Shape Up definitely works, and the science is there to back it up.

Join the Ryan Raw Online 6 Week Summer Shape Up Challenge @

To your success!


Stallknecht B, et al. Are blood flow and lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue influenced by contractions in adjacent muscles in humans? American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2007 Feb;292(2):E394-9.




Finally follow through and get in healthy shape now –

Start now by watching your Free Body Transformation Start Up video @

Join the 6 week summer shape up challenge @


The King of Online Workouts is…..
find out @


Read the rest of this entry »


Spring is the season of renewal, it’s time to step up and take control of what matters most: your health.

Are you tired of feeling tired and heavy? Why spend another day wishing you had more energy to do the things that matter most?

Do some spring cleaning, get the health, body and vitality you deserve. To help you get started, here’s a FREE training session from The amazing Ryan Raw 30 Day Lose Weight & Tone Up Challenge program. Discover how to revitalize your body starting NOW—because when you’ve got energy, you can take any area of your life to a new level.

Click Here For Your Free Workout Video:

What the 30 Day Challenge will do for you…
Lose weight
Get toned and tight
Build muscle strength
Eat clean
Destress and detox
Find your inner Zen
Learn something fun
Get fit and stay fit

Make this the best season of your life!

To your health and vitality,
Team Ryan Raw Workout Warriors!

Love all the new video workouts each day!!!
I actually do my workouts first thing in the morning before my kids wake up, it’s awesome!
Thanks Tanya+Ryan!

– Alex Toronto, Canada


There’s a reason why so many people love kettlebell training—after all, who doesn’t want a total-body resistance and cardio workout that only takes half an hour?

And even more surprising, an American Council on Exercise (ACE) study found that the average person can burn 400 calories in just 20 minutes with a kettlebell. That’s an amazing 20 calories a minute, or the equivalent of running a six-minute mile!

What makes the workout so effective, especially when compared with traditional weights like barbells or dumbbells?

You’re moving in different planes of movement. Instead of just going up and down, you’re going to move side to side and in and out, so it’s much more functional. It’s like you move in real life; kettlebells simulate that movement.

As a result, you end up using more of your stabilizer muscles than in traditional weight training, which translates into an increased calorie burn and a killer workout for your core.

All of this makes kettlebell training not only great for weight loss but also for improving fitness level; an ACE study found that eight weeks of kettlebell training two times a week improved aerobic capacity by almost 14 percent and abdominal strength by 70 percent in the participants!!!

If you’re ready to jump on the kettlebell train, don’t just grab a weight and start swinging.

How you use the kettlebell is essential for ensuring your desired results.

Start with light kettlebells and then check out 26 free Follow-Along kettlebell workout videos here!

Click This Link:


Aura is our spiritual signature.

When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest.

When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, “good looking” or “well dressed” he/she seems to appear.

Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally. Infants frequently look ABOVE a person in front of them. When they don’t like the color of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent’s aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does.

Everyone has an Aura. But a high percentage of people on Earth have dull Auras. This seems to be a direct consequence of their lack of movement, deficiency of dietary nutrients, limited self challenge and disregard for contributing good service to the world. Such attitude suppresses their True Nature, and their Auras seem to become suppressed too.

When your Aura is filled with pure intent for good, it shows @

Find Your Aura.

Has your progress slowed or completely stopped all together?

It’s sounds about that time to take things to the next level.

Here’s five tips to get you back on track to hitting a whole new peak of fitness.

For the latest and greatest training workouts and expert advice, sign up for our weekly workout videos @

1. Change your diet
One thing that a lot people struggle with is nutrition. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight, get ripped, or otherwise change your body image, more often than not, your diet program needs to be assessed. Respectively, Intermittent Fasting is my go to nutrition protocol. IF can help improve digestion, nutrient absorbtion, weight loss, and muscle-building, but the effectiveness is unique to each individual.

Read more @

2. Stick to a program
Often times when deciding where to go next with a fitness program, it can be difficult to decide what to do on each day. Chest and biceps, back and legs, total body, there are so many options of “splits,” or how to divide up your training to see the best results. Often times decisions are made haphazardly and without any real plan in mind. One of the best ways to hold yourself accountable is to start a program and stick with it for at least 6 weeks.

3. Hire a trainer
A trainer can be a fitness enthusiast’s greatest ally. It’s another set of eyes to remind you of exercise form, a boost extra motivation and an educated brain that can design your program for you and make sure you reach your goals. Also, when paying someone for a time slot, it helps hold you accountable.

4. Sign up for an event
Having a deadline for a fitness goal is a great way to keep up the intensity of training and motivate yourself to get to the gym each day. Sign up for a running event, obstacle races or book a beach vacation.

5. Take up a new challenge
Taking up a new physical activity can be a great way to increase the intensity of any fitness regimen. Adding a day or two of Dance or MMA skill-based exercise can help shed those last two pounds and reignite motivation. Take one look at an athletic body and it’s easy to see athletic movement can really supplement a strength training regimen in many ways.

Get started with a Hip Hop Kettlebell Workout @


Offer Ends Tomorrow!
20% off all programs @

Ryan Raw Kettlebell Workouts:
20 Minutes, 3x a week to Total Body Fitness

Over 100 workout videos, systematically organized to safely ease you back into exercising , then progress you into focused target sculpting for Abs, Arms, Thighs, Booty firming and Cardio!

You will never get bored exercising again, because every workout is different and some say even Fun.

Facebook, Sam wrote: “Workouts to date have been fab-tastic!!! Only the best trainer ever would do a back to back 30 day challenge. You rock Ryan!”

Grab your Kettlebell, Save Money and Get Addicted to Feeling Great!!!

Use Discount Code: active

Best of Health,
Ryan Shanahan

Stronger Today with Kettlebell Madness Week #2 Workout Video @

Available to all monthly members

Stronger Today: Decide what you really want and determine what’s preventing you from having it now.

For example, instead of making it your goal to “lose weight,” decide that you want to “be more healthy, vibrant, and alive then ever before.” The more specific you are, the more power you will have to rapidly achieve your goal.

Once you’ve decided what you want, identify any current behavior that’s creating a resistance from achieving your goals.

Becoming Aware of what you really want and what is preventing you from having it now is empowering.

Start Your 30 Day Fitness Challenge @


Stronger Today: “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”
– Rosa Parks

Story: Yesterday I gave a 30 minute presentation to a Running Room group of 10k runners on the benefits of Strength Training for running.

I had fun, everyone looked happy, the store manager said my talk was awesome and the group instructor sent me an email today mentioning he would start including my demonstrated exercises into their training.


Rewind almost exactly 10 years ago to my very first presentation at a Running Room store. Other then teaching fitness classes, I had zero experience speaking in front of large groups of people. But, I wanted to change that and actively sought out this Running Room speaking opportunity.

On the drive to the store I was rehearsing the information Prepared over the previous weeks and feeling good!

Then the group instructor said “Please welcome Ryan Shanahan, he’s going to talk about the importance of Warm Ups for running”.

There I was standing in front of 25 unfamiliar faces staring at me, judging me. Fear kicked in full force. The room started to spin, my knees felt weak, thoughts of self doubt swirled through my head. It was like standing on the edge of a high diving board for the first time.

You have seen it before, kids and even adults climbing back down the ladder of the high diving board with a look of shame and everyone around upset they have to move for you and thinking ‘What a chicken’.

Well, with the room spinning around me, I took a deep breath and stepped of the ‘Diving Board’ into my presentation.

I don’t remember much, just that I opened my mouth and words came out. I do clearly remember hearing the sound of applause when I finished!

That sound of applause felt so good.
It was a reward for all the preparation, effort and guts put forth.

Now today, when someone says “Ryan your such a natural group speaker”, I smile, think back to the spinning Running Room and reply with “Thank you”

Bottom Line: Conquering Fear is Freedom

Ryan Shanahan

Start conquering your fears through fitness @

“That’s Impossible!” is what my best friend from high school said to me.

During our high school years my best friend Steve and I spent our Saturday nights not going out partying and drinking, instead we would do a marathon weight workout, eat roast beef made by his Mom and then stay awake until 3:00 am to watch Saturday Night Live, followed by the original American Gladiators and Infomercials.

We got hooked on watching infomercials. Back then it was Tom Vu, Blue Blockers sunglasses, Anthony Roberts success’s courses, Tony Little and Tai Bo workout DVDs.
We enjoyed the slight absurdly of the story lines and presentation.

My friend Steve, was an incredible artist.

Myself and his older brother routinely urged him to follow his vocalized dream of working for Disney movie productions. Steve’s response was always “That’s Impossible”.

Fast forward 10 years, post high school, post university, now married and time spent together infrequent.

Steve and I met at my place to catch up.

Steve was working for a natural gas company. Myself a fitness trainer.

Steve mentioned even though the pay cheque was solid, he wasn’t truly happy working at this job.

This pained me, because I knew his true talents shined bright through creative outlets such as drawing and video production.

I asked Steve about him starting a side business doing video production, he said it was too late to do that.

Steve asked me how the personal trainer thing was going.

At this point, I had many years of fitness instruction under my belt, although still mostly a legend in my own mind.

I said ” Steve, I want to create a workout and infomercial as popular as the Billy Blanks Tai Bo infomercial we used to watch!”

Steve’s immediate reply was,
“Ha, That’s Impossible!”

Sadly, that was the last time Steve and I saw each other, because I made the decision moving forward to surround myself with positive thinkers.

Positive Thinkers that turn,

‘Impossible’ into ‘I’m – Possible’

Do you think that was good choice or a bad choice?

Take a look at the header picture, those are my workout DVDs being featured on The Doctors TV show as a Must Have product.

I’m Possible and so are you, don’t let anyone tell you different.

Steve, if your reading this, wouldn’t it be wonderful to watch our sons play Star Wars together. It’s never too late to start.

Best of Health,
Ryan Shanahan

Ignite your life passion through fitness @


New Ryan Shanahan Fitness Podcast @

Interview with world renowned nutritionist Anthony DiPasquale
Topics include:
Kettlebell Training
Fasting for Fat Loss & Muscle Gain
New Morning Drink to Detoxify

Listen @

Please support the podcast by sharing with #RyanRaw

Best of Health,
Ryan Shanahan

今天强 : Along with Ryan Raw On- Demand Workouts, I’m also a personal trainer at Madonna’s Hard Candy Fitness gym in Toronto, Canada.

Even though I personally prefer working out at home, this gym provides a great environment to teach health and fitness to new people.

Also, being around the younger 20’s bodies in the gym sparks my competitive juices and motivation to be in tip top shape 😉

A new client started training with me a few weeks ago.
I’ve literally trained thousands of people, but not one like this new client. What makes him so unique is he does not speak English, none at all.

At first, I said to myself this is not going to work. Then my wife Tanya, said to me, why don’t you learn how to speak Chinese …………………………….,.
You know what, that’s a great idea, I’ll do it!!!

I’ve learned only how to say a few basics, “Hello, Good Work, Good Bye , Happy New Year”, but each workout my client completes and each new Chinese word I learn, we both become Stronger Today : 今天强

And that’s what counts!

I encourage you to also try something new and out of the ordinary. See what happens.

Challenge Equals Change

Ryan Shanahan

Stronger Today: Today is the day your going to change the rest of your life and leave a proud legacy.

-Don’t wait to start
-No more excuses
-No more blame

Flick the go switch now!

Stronger Today


Take the 30 Day AB Challenge

30 Days, 30 Six Minute AB Work Out Videos Sent To You Daily!

– Every work out is different
– Required is a single KB or DB
– Watch videos from any mobile device

Imagine how much more sculpted your abs will be if you just focus on them for 30 days… Try it

Program available @ for only $15

The person who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones

Stronger Today: Improve by 1% a day, and in just 70 days, your twice as good.


Stronger Today: add a little ‘Umph’ to your Try

Stronger Today: Wednesday

Stronger Today: The will to win-the will to succeed, to shape one’s life, to take control-can be harnessed only when you decide what you want and believe that no challenge, no problem, no obstacle can keep you from it.

Friendly reminder that today is the final day to join Ryan Shanahan’s 30 Day Fitness Challenge and receive 30 workout videos for only $10!! Price goes up to $50 on Jan 30.
Join @

Stronger Today: Tuesday

Stronger Today: Challenge equals change… and makes a much better story.

Stronger Today: Sunday
Stronger Today: Who you become as a person is the ultimate reward.
Adrienne followed my online workouts in preparation for her big wedding day! As you can see, she lost inches off her waist and really toned her muscles up.
I put her on the Next Level Target Sculpt program only available @

Thursday: Stronger Today

Stronger Today: Short term “failures” may actually provide you with the necessary insights or distinctions to create even greater success in the future.

Wednesday: Stronger Today

Stronger Today: “Life is not a matter of chance…it is a matter of choice.”