Stronger Today: “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”
– Rosa Parks

Story: Yesterday I gave a 30 minute presentation to a Running Room group of 10k runners on the benefits of Strength Training for running.

I had fun, everyone looked happy, the store manager said my talk was awesome and the group instructor sent me an email today mentioning he would start including my demonstrated exercises into their training.


Rewind almost exactly 10 years ago to my very first presentation at a Running Room store. Other then teaching fitness classes, I had zero experience speaking in front of large groups of people. But, I wanted to change that and actively sought out this Running Room speaking opportunity.

On the drive to the store I was rehearsing the information Prepared over the previous weeks and feeling good!

Then the group instructor said “Please welcome Ryan Shanahan, he’s going to talk about the importance of Warm Ups for running”.

There I was standing in front of 25 unfamiliar faces staring at me, judging me. Fear kicked in full force. The room started to spin, my knees felt weak, thoughts of self doubt swirled through my head. It was like standing on the edge of a high diving board for the first time.

You have seen it before, kids and even adults climbing back down the ladder of the high diving board with a look of shame and everyone around upset they have to move for you and thinking ‘What a chicken’.

Well, with the room spinning around me, I took a deep breath and stepped of the ‘Diving Board’ into my presentation.

I don’t remember much, just that I opened my mouth and words came out. I do clearly remember hearing the sound of applause when I finished!

That sound of applause felt so good.
It was a reward for all the preparation, effort and guts put forth.

Now today, when someone says “Ryan your such a natural group speaker”, I smile, think back to the spinning Running Room and reply with “Thank you”

Bottom Line: Conquering Fear is Freedom

Ryan Shanahan

Start conquering your fears through fitness @ http://www.RyanRaw.com