Archives for posts with tag: Stronger Today

A Day Will Come

A day will come in every life,
When the artist no longer exists.
And this should be taken seriously.

Anyone who deserves appreciation,
Must have done something great.
So share with them the way you feel,
And don’t wait, until it’s too late.

Take the the time right now to enjoy the gift someone has shared with you in this life.

Listen, watch, write or speak your appreciation.

Then enjoy the appreciation that will be returned to you.

Stronger Today

今天强 : Along with Ryan Raw On- Demand Workouts, I’m also a personal trainer at Madonna’s Hard Candy Fitness gym in Toronto, Canada.

Even though I personally prefer working out at home, this gym provides a great environment to teach health and fitness to new people.

Also, being around the younger 20’s bodies in the gym sparks my competitive juices and motivation to be in tip top shape 😉

A new client started training with me a few weeks ago.
I’ve literally trained thousands of people, but not one like this new client. What makes him so unique is he does not speak English, none at all.

At first, I said to myself this is not going to work. Then my wife Tanya, said to me, why don’t you learn how to speak Chinese …………………………….,.
You know what, that’s a great idea, I’ll do it!!!

I’ve learned only how to say a few basics, “Hello, Good Work, Good Bye , Happy New Year”, but each workout my client completes and each new Chinese word I learn, we both become Stronger Today : 今天强

And that’s what counts!

I encourage you to also try something new and out of the ordinary. See what happens.

Challenge Equals Change

Ryan Shanahan

Stronger Today: For any question you pose, your brain provides an answer.

For example, “Why does my stomach look so bloated?”

Your mind will focus on having a bloated and uncomfortable stomach, whether it’s true or not.

But, if you ask instead, “How can I improve this situation?” you are certain to get answers that enable you to take positive action.

Stronger Today:
Hello Ryan,
“I subscribed for your New You 30 Day Fitness Challenge in January. I enjoyed it. It got me back to working out after years of not being able to do so. Thanks for the great videos.”
– Kissandra N

Start your fitness jump start too at

The person who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones

Stronger Today: Improve by 1% a day, and in just 70 days, your twice as good.


Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

Start your 30 Day Fitness Challenge @ today


Stronger Today: add a little ‘Umph’ to your Try

Saturday: Stronger Today

Stronger Today: We=Power

Today was the best ever Live Class!
Thank you Alex, James, Nick and Chrissy 🙂

Stronger Today: Friday

Stronger Today: Procrastination is one of the most common ways to avoid pain. But usually if you delay taking action, you only create more pain for yourself later on.

Stop Your Pain and Feel The Pleasure @

Stronger Today: Wednesday

Stronger Today: The will to win-the will to succeed, to shape one’s life, to take control-can be harnessed only when you decide what you want and believe that no challenge, no problem, no obstacle can keep you from it.

Friendly reminder that today is the final day to join Ryan Shanahan’s 30 Day Fitness Challenge and receive 30 workout videos for only $10!! Price goes up to $50 on Jan 30.
Join @

Stronger Today: Tuesday

Stronger Today: Challenge equals change… and makes a much better story.

PrintMaster 2.0 Platinum - Fat to Fit_2 full

Stronger Today: In how many ways will other people benefit from your efforts today.

Friday Stronger Today

Stronger Today: The Ultimate Success Formula
1) Decide What You Want
2) Take Action
3) Be aware of what actions are working and not working for you
4) Seize opportunity when presented ( this is very important)

Thursday: Stronger Today

Stronger Today: Short term “failures” may actually provide you with the necessary insights or distinctions to create even greater success in the future.

Wednesday: Stronger Today

Stronger Today: “Life is not a matter of chance…it is a matter of choice.”